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We believe that worship is not ‘spectator’ but ‘participation.’ You won’t find a ‘show’ at First Church, but you will find a people gladly praising God together. We are fairly traditional, but NOT predictable. It is not unusual to laugh and shed a tear, have meaningful silence and ponder deeply, all in the same service. 
Worship is at 9:30 am every Sunday morning.
There are no ‘requirements’ for attire, and you will see everything from shorts and jeans to suits and dresses.
Music is important. We host many opportunities for participation. We have a Junior Choir, First Band, Bell Choir and Adult Chancel Choir. We also use instrumentalists as well as soloists.


Our worship is meaning filled and vibrant. We use videos, object lessons and testimonies as part of our teaching and preaching ministry. Children participate in many ways, youth are involved on a regular basis and our congregation is known for laughing and shedding tears in a single service.


Coffee time afterwards is crucial time of fellowship and ALL are welcome.


Please join us in worship as we find a vitality and LIFE as God speaks to us weekly.


First Reformed Church

Always a Welcome Home.


630 State Street, Holland, Michigan 49423




Sunday: 9:30 AM

© 2020 First Reformed Church of Holland, MI.

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